Blocking Duplicate Titles in 3D Experience
The 3D Experience platform provides several advantages over the standard SolidWorks experience, but there are some areas that might take some getting used to. One of those is the difference between file names and file titles.
A Brief Explanation
File names in 3DX are not like a traditional SolidWorks file name. It’s a unique ID that cannot be duplicated or used twice for two different files that are open at the same time, but it is separate from the file title. The file title can be changed at any time without breaking references to other files. In 3DX multiple unique parts/assemblies can be opened at the same time with the same file title because the file names will be different.

While the ability to rename the file title at will can be great, it can also cause problems for your manufacturing process down the line. Luckily, there is a way to prevent files from being saved to the platform with the same File Title.
*Note* You will need to have administrative privileges to make the below changes.
Navigate to 3D Compass in Browser

2. Search for “Collaborative Spaces Control Center” and click on the app.

3. This will open 2 widgets. In the rightmost widget, navigate to “CAD Collaboration”, then click on “SolidWorks”

4. Click on “Settings” then scroll to “Check File Title for Uniqueness”

5. From here you can choose from the dropdown menu how you would like to handle duplicate file titles on your platform.

6. From this menu, you can also toggle on the “Auto-Name” feature at the top. This will assign a unique file name to every file created within SolidWorks upon saving to the platform. Once saved, you can rename the title to whatever you would like, based on the file title settings chosen above!

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