What is a SolidWorks "VAR" and How do I Pick One?

What is a SolidWorks “VAR”?

If you are just starting to look into SolidWorks you may be unfamiliar with the term VAR. Maybe you are ready to purchase the software but can’t quite figure out what a VAR is or which VAR to contact.

First things first; what is a SolidWorks “VAR”? A SolidWorks “VAR” is a Value-Added Re-seller.  Value-Added Re-sellers do far more than just sell SolidWorks, they also provide customer service for troubleshooting a wide variety of SolidWorks related issues. They also put on product training events and specific classes that pertain to different aspects of the software.

Photo credit: Skrill.com

Photo credit: Skrill.com

In addition to classes, they also share free content such as webinars, blogs, and youtube tutorials to educate and help solve common issues.

Many SolidWorks VARs are involved in the community as well. In some cases, they support and sponsor local SolidWorks user groups. They will also present at said user groups to teach tips and tricks within the software.


Your VAR will help you determine the correct package of SolidWorks needed for you or your business. They may also suggest different add-ons that may increase your efficiency or help expand your capabilities.

How to find a VAR

To find a VAR in your area, follow the image below, fill in your zip code, and click the “Find Resellers” button:

Click to find your vendor location

Click to find your vendor location

If you cannot locate a re-seller within your area, contact SolidWorks at 800-693-9000, and they will provide you with the information needed to find the nearest reseller.

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