Posts tagged Hardware
Why Use Virtual Reality

Known mainly in the gaming world, virtual reality is making itself more and more noticeable and useful in other applications. One application we’ve been using virtual reality for is its usefulness in the engineering world. This blog will describe some reasons to use virtual reality!

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Guest User2, Hardware, Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality: Softwares

With virtual reality technology is growing and growing, there are a wide variety of softwares that can suit a company’s specific needs. Finding the right one for the company is all up to trying different softwares to find that exact fit! At Perception Engineering, we’ve been actively testing different softwares and this blog will cover some that we’ve been using.

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Virtual Reality: Proper Equipment

To stay ahead of technology, Perception Engineering has integrated virtual reality into its daily routine. Showing customers first hand what their product will look like before the next phases of engineering. Perception Engineering’s virtual reality software allows for customers to modify their CAD files and walk around inside the models. This blog series will explain and aid in helping you get started in the virtual reality industry.

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